Can not send mail from my hotmail account in outlook express

For the past couple of days I can no longer send emails from hotmail. The message I get is:An unknown error has occurred. Account: ‘Hotmail sym’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: ‘503 5.5.2 Only one STARTTLS command can be issued per session’, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): Yes, Server Error: 503, Error Number: 0x800CCC65

Any ideas what to do??

Again. In your email client, set encryption to NONE. Not SSL nor TLS nor STARTTLS or not whatever else. NONE.

(There’s actually a search function in here, people generally don’t like to waste their time by answering the same question over and over again.)

Sorry for my ignorance , but do I change the settings in Avast or in the outlook express options?

Already been answered.

Hi, I am having the same problem for the last 24 hours, getting the same error message. I’ve searched and searched but this is the only thread I’ve found even addressing the problem. I’ve checked my settings and don’t see where I’m supposed to check or uncheck the appropriate item. Can someone please give me specific information? This is the first time I am asking the question. I would appreciate the help. Thank you.

Can you please tell me where this was already answered? Searches are fruitless. TY

When I uncheck SSL, outlook express will send the hotmail account emails but it stops being able to check for incoming mail.

what ports are you using ?

Try pop 110 and smtp 587 or 25

Is the hotmail account a POP3 account ?
If not then OE will be using DeltaSync to transfer emails and not the POP protocols, so avast’s Mail Shield is expecting POP3 protocol. So effecticely avast can’t monitor this propriatery DeltaSync protocol, so you would have to exclude this account from being scanned.

Yahoo/Hotmail are not pop3 email services (unless you pay for the pop3 service), it is web based (so the Internet Mail provider doesn't directly protect it). Web based email is simply your email being viewed in the same way you browser the internet. The pages (that display your email) are downloaded into your Temporary Internet folder, just like regular web pages and displayed on your browser screen. [b]Microsoft uses DeltaSync to import email from Hotmail on the Windows Live Mail email program.[/b]


outlook express does not support deltasync, you need Windows Live Mail for that

Yahoo/Hotmail are not pop3 email services (unless you pay for the pop3 service)
i have pop3 on my free account.....

quote: Microsoft has finally enabled POP3 email access for all users of their Hotmail email service.

The availability of free POP3 in Yahoo depends on the country to which the account is associated with.
My address has it while my does not.

Then it may well still support the old WEBDEV proprietary protocol, which would still have the same effect. However, all this is speculation until we hear back from Squid.

Then it may well still support the old WEBDEV proprietary protocol, which would still have the same effect. However, all this is speculation until we hear back from Squid.
I think he did, here.....

If only people would stick to the one topic, makes life easier for those trying to help.

I had the same issue. I have port 587 and SSL turned on in Outlook Express but would only check incoming mail and not send. I ran across a suggestion on another forum and tried it. It worked!!

I went into my Avast and unchecked “scan outgoing mail”. After it was unchecked, all mail easily went out for Hotmail. For some reason, the “scan outgoing mail” only seems to affect Hotmail POP. I also have Gmail IMAP, Gmail POP, Adelphia POP, and AOL POP. None of these are affected by that option, only Hotmail. Go figure.


I have port 587 and SSL turned on in Outlook Express
SSL must be turned OFF

In order for e-mails to be scanned by the Mail Shield, it is necessary that encryption is turned off in the mail client software. If encryption is required, appropriate e-mail accounts needs to be configured in the Mail Shield to establish a secure connection with the mail server. This will enable all incoming and outgoing e-mails to be scanned by the Mail Shield. All other e-mail accounts using unencrypted connections should be listed as unencrypted in the SSL Accounts settings of the Mail Shield (i.e. SSL/TLS encryption to ‘None’, ports for SMTP to ‘25’, for POP3 to ‘110’ or for IMAP to ‘143’, by default).

microsoft scan all Hotmail accounts with TrendMicro
Yahoo use Norton
Gmail use McAfee and Authentium

Yes, the SSL needs to be off in Outlook Express. I just tested sending mail with my Hotmail account through OE and it worked fine, even with the scan outgoing mail turned on.

SSL is on for my Gmail and it has no problems sending with that. I also noticed on a different computer it has an older version of Avast (the blue globe) and SSL for Hotmail being turned on works fine. On the newer version of Avast (the orange globe), it has problems with SSL and only with Hotmail in OE. Gmail with SSL turned on in OE (POP or IMAP) both work fine with the orange version of Avast.

They might work but the mail shield will not scan mail in any account that has SSL turned on.