Can someone tell me what this was?

Did a scan today and avast found the following,

File Name,Urchin[1].js

Virus Description,JS:downloader-LP[Trj]

Anyone know what this was,I was doing a search for a hotel room and I got the trojan alert that avast had blocked it,just to be sure I ran a virus check and it came up as 1 file infected. Now I wasn’t given any option when the alert was found. So did it automatically go to a “safe” place on my computer until I ran the virus check to determine what I should do with it,or was my computer in danger until I ran the virus check and decided to place it in the virus chest.?

Also,if I want to delete some old viruses from the virus chest,do I just highlite the virus and hit delete,by doing that your deleting it from the list and it can’t re-infect your computer again. Is that correct. Thanls

Urchin is the software used by Google for “analytics” (a script implemented by site owners to get reports on usage etc…)… that’s no malware, so your alert is weird…

You got a screen shot of your alert?

No it happened so fast. But had I not done a virus scan,would that have been moved automatically to a safe place until I decided what to do with it?

Hi Fire,

There is a removal routine description here:


if it’s still in Chest you can submit it to avast. You could also do something useful, restore it briefly and upload it to virus total to check what the others say: