Can’t Find Quick Scan Settings

Hi All, I installed the Mar 11, ’19, V19.3.4241.404, update the other day and I can not find where to change the Quick Scan settings. I found the other scan settings, but not for Quick Scan.

With this release it now Quick scans for six items, three of which I don’t want or need, so I’d like to turn them off as you could in prior versions. Maybe turn them on selectively on occasions, if wanted.

Maybe I’m just not looking in the right places…

Any ideas on how to do this?

What you see is what you get. The only way to change that is by not having those features you want eliminated installed.
Remove the selected Components. Some component scans will still happen even of the component is removed and, some components can’t be removed.

I must be overlooking something somewhere as I’ve never had this problem(s) before…heck, I can’t even find the Component section to see what I can disable like I’ve done in prior versions.

Where’s it hiding? LOL…

Check the AvastUI > Protection > Core Shields, if what you are looking for isn’t there.
Check the AvastUI > Settings > General > Troubleshooting > Add / Modify Components.

Hi, you can use the old settings (for now).

Thanks DavidR; I found it under Troubleshooting.

Thanks for the reply, Asyn. I didn’t get an email notification of your post so I didn’t see it until I posted above, :frowning:

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome.