Can`t open anti-theft after update

I installed the update Avast and I can not open the anti-theft. After each attempt message gets: application has stopped unexpectedly. I have uninstalled the application and installed it again but still I can not open the module. I have rooted phone. To date, download the patch from googleplay I had no problem with this module.

can you get me a log?

Iā€™d love to but how to do it? My phone is the LG GT540. Where can I find this log?

To create a log, please proceed as follows:

  • go to Android Market
  • search for aLogcat
  • download and install the app
  • start aLogcat from the app menu ā†’ aLogcat will start gathering the log messages
  • now use the HOME button to go back to the phone interface (do NOT use the BACK key as this will CLOSE aLogcat, HOME just puts it to the back)
  • use Anti Theft to simulate your issue then
  • once the unwanted behaviour occured long-press the HOME key
  • select aLogcat app
  • press the MENU key
  • press SHARE
  • press E-Mail
  • send the E-Mail to along with a short description of the problem (in the log or separate mail)
  • close aLogcat (BACK key)

thank you!

I have send logs. Sorry that i don`t describe problem with mail.