Can You Spot The Fake Web Site??

How good are you at spotting a scammer web site? Sure, it’s easy enough to do when you can take a look at the URL or scroll your mouse over links to see where they really lead. But can you tell just by looking at an image of a web site or email message whether it’s the real thing?
McAfee has a little 10 question quiz to test your web savvy. Bet you don’t get all 10 right. I scored a 9 out of 10, which is pretty good - but it only takes one wrong move to have your identity stolen.
Of course, McAfee’s trying to get you to download their SiteAdvisor product, but it’s a free download anyway.
view larger image option is below each picture…

For the most part people will not recognise these minor differences and honestly if they have arrived at the phishing site, they have already failed. Because instead of a phishing site it could just as easily have been a malicious (rather than fraudulent) site and they could now be infected.

Don’t click on links in unsolicited emails to go directly to a web site.

I got 6 out of ten by simply ticking the left selection, no inspection to see if I could judge a scan site. If you exclude the other two questions Nigerian 419 and SSL certificates which I knew and obviously got right, my results on just selecting the left option was 50% which possibly would have been the same for those trying to judge which was valid.

Personally I would never have arrived at those sites to have to decide, if you are going to log on to your bank, paypal, Amazon, etc. I always use either my Bookmarks or type in the URL and never from an email link.

Avoidance has got to be better than having to find minor changes, based on your memory of what the site looked like the last time you used it or looking for these grammatical errors or scare tactics, etc.

I got an 8 out of 10, some of those questions were tricky :-\