Cancel auto renewal

Dear customer support,

I’m having trouble canceling my auto renewal, I received an email recently that said you guys were going to bill me for another year of AVAST. I don’t want this. I don’t want this. I attempted to follow the steps from your online frequently asked questions and I went to the email and click the link that says manage your auto renewal subscription. But when I went there there was no place to click that said stop auto renewal. When looking at that page it appeared that maybe it was already canceled, but it’s confusing because in my bank statements it shows there’s a pending charge from your company. So I need your help for you to manually go in in your system and cancel me in every way shape and form from your records . (Cancel auto-renewal)

Doesn’t work i’ve been trying for two days to cancel, sent avast customer service an e mail today so shall see what happens

I have tried to cancel. Multiple times. I am going to contest charge and report as fraud. PC has been dead for 2 years and they have date and time it died. Got me last year. If they get me again im closing card. Too bad. Was a good product

It doesn’t matter if you still have the pc, that it is dead or not etc.
You took a subscription and as long as you don’t cancel it, you have to pay for it.

It is like a subscription on a magazine/newspaper.
As long as you have it, you have to pay for it.
It doesn’t matter if you read the magazine/newspaper or not.

Try the following: