Cancel subscription

How do I cancel my subscription? Have no further need for Avast but it is very difficult to find how to cancel the on-going subscription. Avast doesn’t seem to want to give you this information!

Depending on how/where you bought the license, you can stop the automatic renewal.
Here are some links to find/change the order:

I am opening this thread again because I still have a problem with my avast! subscription, even after you gave those links.

I tried all three links, and the first two are leading towards the avast! website even though in the second link you are going to Digital River’s website at first. The third link,, is not working at all, meaning that I cannot login using my credentials. I did try to log in at the first two links, but all I can get to it the page showing the overview of my subscription, and I can only get to that using my email address and the last five ciphers of my credit card. When I instead try to use my order number, which is correct, and my password, a message says that the page cannot find my order - weird! So after entering the mail address and the five digits, I am getting to the right page with the right name, subscription, order number (which I crosschecked with the email I have received) etc. So far so good.
The next step, which should make me able to manage my subscription, as the blue button at the page is saying, is not working… When I press that button, I have to enter my mail address and my password. I know, I have the right mail address and the right password, because I check it every time I put it in the form, and I have done it alot of times - the form just does not want to accept the email address for some reason. And this is very problematic. I have the right license, and now I want to cancel my subscription, but I cannot. Because I am not able to get to the page where to do that, and it is very frustating. I have contacted avast! about 8 days ago, but still no answer. I did of course make it as simple as possible and gave avast! my order number and email so they could contact me - but still no answer so far. This is very unfortunate, not to say annoying, because I really do not want to continue using avast! even though avast! wants me to. I have no intention of doing so, because I already bought Bullguard for all of my home computers, so I do not want avast!/Digital River to keep drawing money from my credit card, which right now they will do again in 7 days. I furthermore tried to contact Digital River at their website, but when I enter my mail address and the last five digits of my credit card, they just send me to the avast! page I was talking about before - and that does not make it easier.
So… I don’t know how to cancel my avast! subscription, because the avast! website won’t let me. Digital River knows my email address and so does avast!, but the page where I can manage my subscription does not know that mail address, even though I am able to login at this forum, but also at my account at I am not sure what to do next - does avast! really require several weeks to process my complaint? Again, avast! will bill me 34.99 USD in 7 days, and I do not want to pay that. There must be a way to avoid that when the conventional method does not work.

I found out how to cancel the avast! subscription!

The thing I did was to visit again and this time request a new password. I do not know why avast! does not use the same user passwords for both and, but it seems as if they are not. I found out that the password I got back in my email inbox was not the same as the one I use for, but now I were able to login at the website above and cancel mysubscription - finally! I am glad I got this solved. Though, I still have a problem with the message that pops up when I try to login and then enter a wrong password. The message says that the mail address is not correct, but in fact it is. What is wrong is that the password is not right, and the message does not say so. Then it is quite confusing to know what to do, when the page does not even display that I entered a wrong password, but instead says that the mail is wrong.

Nevertheless, I got it solved! Thx.

I have tried to contact this company to cancel a subscription that they renewed without authorization or direction from me. I am unable to contact this company in any form. I have their so called ticket number and everything is generated by a bot, not a real person. This is a scam company!!!

Post your ticket-ID.

You could have disabled the auto-renewal any time you wanted.
Info >

As you have submitted a ticket, just have some patience.
The people at avast are (only) human and do have more customers to help than only you.