On January 8th I received the following email:
This is just a friendly confirmation that we have received your support request and one of our dedicated team members will get back to you as soon as possible.
We are currently experiencing an unusually high volume of incoming messages, while we strive to resolve your issue as quickly as possible, unfortunately this may take a little longer than usual.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and we politely ask for your patience while we try to resolve the current situation we are facing, your email is extremely important to us and we will have a dedicated specialist respond to you as soon as possible. [/i]
On February 13th I received this email from Avast:
Do you still need help from our Support team?
One of our outstanding Support team humans emailed you a little while ago, regarding the ticket 690830 subject I have TWO orders, neither downloads. I want a complete refund of BOTH orders. 10567432606 & 3712974150. Please refund immediately. I am very unhappy with the lack of support & response despite 2 emails & a ticket submission, but you never replied. If you still need our help, please get in touch — otherwise, they’ll close your ticket.
If we’ve already solved your request (thus fulfilling our purpose), then feel free to disregard this message.
Thank you for your patience,
The Avast Reply-Bot[/i]
“A little while ago” was the FIRST email from January 8th. I then replied that YES, I STILL need help.
Today, February 17th, I get THIS email:
Since we haven’t heard from you in several days, we’re going to close your ticket 690830, subject: I have TWO orders, neither downloads. I want a complete refund of BOTH orders. 10567432606 & 3712974150. Please refund immediately. I am very unhappy with the lack of support & response despite 2 emails & a ticket submission
If your problem hasn’t been fixed, and you’re on holiday or otherwise unable to get back to us, don’t worry. All you need to do is reply to this email and your ticket will be re-opened automatically.
Otherwise, we hope you have a great day!
Thank you for your contacting us,
The Avast Support Team [/i]
And THIS is supposedly an automated reply. I have STILL not had this issue resolved and I am beyond livid. NO response either on the Facebook page. What in the heck is going on here? I am going straight to the BBB if this is not resolved ASAP.