Lenovo Windows 10 shows internet connected but cannot open in any browser software. If I disable Avast it works fine. Help!
Perform a clean installation of the latest version with the off-line installer and check if the problem is solved.
Adding this information makes doing that clean install so much easier.
Clean Install of Avast:
I can confirm this is a problem. After the latest program update avast blocks all internet connection. Honestly what happened to the hassle free avast of the past where avast could auto update without having to restart, and could update on the fly without having to do a full manual reinstall?
Can’t honestly answer with certainty as I am not an avast team member, but I can point to massively increased malware and ransomware issues, all of which were not as severe five years ago.
Avast has had to become more complex since because of that, so a full clean install is recommended.
Hasn’t happened on any of the systems I’ve updated ???
More details needed to offer any advice.
Hi Deborah26,
what version of avast are you using? Free or any of the paid variants with Firewall? And what is your Windows version? Windows 10? Windows 7?
Thanks. Lukas.
Who is affected, please provide file version information for these files
“c:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswStreamFilter.dll”
To obtain the information, please just click on the file by right mouse and then select properties and Details Tab.
Provide screenshot or value of the FileVersion line.
Additionally, when you perform reboot of the computer, the problem persist or not ?
Sorry for inconvenience and thank you so much
Hello everyone,
We were able to identify and fix the internet connectivity issue that occurred after the latest Avast 17.4 update.
The fix is being distributed via a micro-update to Avast Web Shield.
To download the fix, please follow these steps:
[ol]- Turn OFF Avast Web Shield (internet connectivity will start working)
- In UI go to Protection > Antivirus and turn Web Shield OFF or
- Right-click the Avast tray icon > Avast shields control > Disable permanently (to turn OFF all shields)
- Go to your Avast installation folder - usually “C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast”
- Run (double-click) AvEmUpdate.exe and confirm the UAC prompt
- Avast will now silently apply the fix
- Wait for about 5 minutes
- Restart your computer
- Turn Web Shield (or all shields) back ON
- You are now again connected to the internet and protected[/ol]
Thank you for your patience and your help in resolving this issue.
Sincere apologies,
Avast team
Got the microupdate some time today, “Restart required” notification. Rebooted.
Never did have issues with webshield. Did have issues with port scanning tho.
Congratulations Avast, another year goes by and once again you break Avast exactly the same way you broke it last year. Same issue as last year, haven’t tried the full clean install yet, but disabling web shield does restore internet access.
Posting in old topics isn’t helpful.
Please create a new topic and describe the problems.