On 3/14, both the Netzero ISP program and Avast did an update. The computer started disconnecting and refused to reconnect shortly thereafter. Netzero’s guys in India have had me uninstall and reinstall, from disk and by a put-in-the-phone no.-download, their program 7 times. Also we deleted temp files, did disk clean up and shut off all security programs. The Netzero appears to not write a necessary file to disk. Is there something that got past, Avast!, Malwarebytes and Defender? Is it a cookie war? And is there a way for me to update your data base without having an internet connection through Netzero (direct call-in)? Do you know of any ailment that does this, and its cure if you do? HELP! Leffew
You might try disabling Avast and connecting and / or disabling Avast and re-install Netzero.
Just an idea
I have disabled all security programs, firewall(s), and anything else I could find, reinstalled and even cleaned and defragged the disk. I finally took it to the shop yesterday to see if there is something that my now not-updatable Avast and Malwarebytes missed. Any more ideas?
Very much doubt that this has anything to do with Avast or any infection. Infections do not tend to disable your internet, they use it to spread.
Sounds like faulty HW (router, modem, or whatever you use.)
It might also be a faulty update to the Netzero ISP program.
Warning : Never disable your AV program and connect to the Internet. That is just asking for trouble. It takes less than one minute to be infected.