I had Avast Free AntiVirus on my PC - I uninstalled it. Sandbox is still active - I dont want it. Ive tried avastclear.exe - no change, Ive deleted every reference to AVAST in my registry - no change.
I want Sandbox GONE - the same way Avast is NO LONGER on my Win 7 PC. Appreciate any help here.
No. When I cam to my PC this morning - (it was on all night)…the red box was gone !!! BUT…when I restarted my PC - it came back and is here with me now.
The only Avast I ever installed was the FREE anti-virus version which I believe does NOT come with Sandbox (although somehow I “have it”). Regardless - I did not make any settings about Sandbox.
Background - last Friday - something “happened” on my PC…screens not right etc - but NO Sandbox. I did have Sandbox issues some time ago - I either fixed it or it went dormant. I did a full image (C:) backup to Wednesday. Even after the backup - things still not right with my PC - but NO Sandbox. At somepoint…I noticed that McAfee Live Internet was consuming my CPU. I got rid of it (never liked it anyway). Install Avast. After install - several times…I re-did Wednesday full image restore - which oif course did NOT have Avast.
Current state - my PC is back to “normal” with the exception of red box. So you know…whenever I try to MOVE a window with a drag and drop…its border turns red and when “drop” is completed, the window goes full screen.
Appreciate your continued expertise in this. Thx…JonB
•Go to Control Panel.
•Click on Ease of Access link or Ease of Access Center icon.
•Select Change how your mouse works or Make the mouse easier to use option.
•Tick the check box for Prevent Windows from being automatically arranged when moved to the edge of the screen with the mouse under “Make it easier to manage windows” section.
Guys…talk about “barking up the wrong tree!” I found/fixed the problem. See clip attached. It had something to do with Dell Display Manager. I dont think Avast was ever in the picture. Sorry to put you through this…but end result is good. Thank you.