Cannot Install Anti-Theft Upgrade

I have been running Avast Mobile with no problems on my Samsung Galaxy Nexus (Android 4.0.4). However, the notification window advised that I have a new upgrade for the Anti-Theft module, so I followed the steps and successfully download the update. But, when the install process gets to the very last step, showing the various permissions accessed, the “Install” button on bottom right refuses to do anything. It just sits there unreactive. I can only select cancel.

Wondering if it was an Android security issue involving installing non-Google Play apps, I checked security settings, but found that I had already checked permission to install other apps.

I’m flummoxed.

Can anyone advise why the Avast update will not complete the install on my phone?


Hi Avast team,

same problem here.
Samsung Galaxy S2 and Samsung Tab 2 (10.1) (not rootet).
Upgrade not successfully with the same problem. Only i can cancel the installation after downloading. The install button not work.

The same after de-installation of Avast Mobile and Anti Theft and restart.

seems there is a crash in the installer. can you get me a log?

do you have an instruction to generate an logfile!?

No known log file.


Log attached up to point of failure

hm dont see anything. can you try to uninstall and reinstall (this will automatically install the newest version)!

Hello Reinhard,

i have send an email to you with my logfile.


I suppose that is the only option? This means the loss of all settings.

Is there an apk file for theft upgrade that can be installed manually?

i have re-install avast included Anti Theft on Samsung S2 and Tab2. The problem is the same!

but then you already have the newest version?! no upgrade necessary!

i install the new version over Google Play Store

sorry i do not understand your last post…

The reinstall option will not succeed because once you install Avast you still must install the anti theft module as a separate step and you arrive at the same failure point.

ah ok this not only occurs on upgrade, but also on fresh installation?

:slight_smile: sorry

first i install the new update / upgrade over the exist avast installation with the Anti Theft problem (second install button not work)


i de-install all avast components (with reboot) and install avast with anti theft from Google Play Store website with the same problem.

a) which android version do you have?
b) is it rooted/custom rom?

no rootet

Yep. Same problem.

Once anti theft uninstalled it cannot be reinstalled by any means.

Running Android 4.0.4.