My very old but still working computer OS is Windows 2000 Workstation SP4, and was using Avast 4 PRO until recently when I purchased a 3-computer Avast 5 licence and tried to upgrade this machine.
Installation says my computer is Windows Server and does not meet minimum requirements of Win2k or higher. This machine in actual fact is not Windows Server, it’s Win2k SP4 and has been for many years!
The first time I tried to install Avast 5, Avast PRO 4 was still happily running. Installation seemed to go OK but when I rebooted I got the blue screen of death (BSOD). I used safe mode to uninstall Avast 5 so now I am back to where I started except I have no AV protection at all.
When I try to install Avast 5 I get “Your operating system does not meet the minimum requirements. You can install avast! only on Windows 2000 or higher. It cannot be installed on Windows Server.”
Here is the log:
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Started: 17.03.2010, 14:03:08
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Running setup_ais-1ce (462)
17.03.2010 14:03:08 system: Operating system: Windows2000 ver 5.0, build 2195, sp 4.0 [Service Pack 4]
17.03.2010 14:03:08 system: Memory: 37% load. Phys:654772/1039860K free, Page:886076/1322720K free, Virt:2073376/2097024K free
17.03.2010 14:03:08 system: Computer WinName: [deleted]
17.03.2010 14:03:08 system: Windows Net User: [deleted]
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Cmdline: /sfx /sfxstorage “C:\DOCUME~1\family\LOCALS~1\” /srcpath “C:\DOCUME~1\family\MYDOCU~1\DOWNLO~1” /sfxname “setup_ais”
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: DldSrc set to sfx
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Old version: ffffffff (-1)
17.03.2010 14:03:08 registry: Deleted registry: Software\Alwil Software\Avast\5.0\UpdateReady
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Install check: SetupVersion does NOT exist
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: SGW32AIS::CheckIfInstalled set m_bAlreadyInstalled to 0
17.03.2010 14:03:08 registry: Get registry: Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version=6.0.2600.0000
17.03.2010 14:03:08 general: Err:Your operating system does not meet the minimum requirements. You can install avast! only on Windows 2000 or higher. It cannot be installed on Windows Server.
Your help Please!