Hi, I have been using Avast passwords for years and recently added it to my new desktop.
However the adds-on stopped working on chrome, saying I need to remove and re-install it.
I removed it without issue, but it seems like I can’t re-install the adds-on.
I tried settings>passwords>browser integration> install but nothing happens even when I click ‘install’.
After few fails, I trie removing the whole avast premier and reinstalling it, also tried formatting the whole setting but neither worked.
What should I do?
Could you please verify that you have latest version of chrome?
It seems we detect you have chrome as we are offering install option for that browser, but for some reason when we want to open new tab in chrome it just doesn’t open.
Don’t you use some popup blocker in the chrome?
I have the same problem.
Could you please provide me AvastSvc.log file from C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log folder?
Please send it to my mailbox: kvetko@avast.com