System: Win 10, updated. Boot-time scan runs every time I restart the computer then fails with a ‘Registry Error’. I am not able to unschedule the scans either; when I click the Unschedule button, click away to a different scan type, then back, the scan is re-scheduled. This is true after every restart. I attempted to update, repair, and uninstall/reinstall Avast and the problem persists. This adds 5-10 minutes per boot cycle and is pretty frustrating. Any thoughts or ideas? Thanks!
Did you use avastclear when removing/reinstalling avast ?
If not, please do so and see if it solves the problem.
Also, is there any other security (related) software installed ? (or was there)
I believe there was a bug in unscheduling the boot-time scan from the UI.
There’s a tool called “sched.exe” in Avast installation folder - please try to use sched.exe /D
As for the boot-time scan itself - where does it spend those 5-10 minutes??
Can you please post the file C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\aswBoot.log from the affected machine?
-Thanks much, manually running sched.exe seems to have worked in blocking the boot-time scan.
- For unclear reasons, the only aswBoot.log I can find is in my C folder root. Contents are:
CmdLine - quick
aswBoot.exe /A:“C:” /A:“*STARTUP” /L:“1033” /heur:80 /RA:fix /pup /archives /IA:0 /KBD:3 /wow /dir:“C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast”
CmdLine end
SafeBoot: 0
new CKbBuffer
CKbBuffer::Init end
dep_osBeginThread - KbThread
CreateKbThread end
KbThread start
Registry Error
While booting, after my mobo boots and Windows starts to load, ‘Avast Antivirus’ with a copyright appears at the top. Under a row of underscores, rows of periods will appear for a minute or two before ‘Registry Error’ pops up at the bottom of the periods.
- I don’t think I did, I used the function accessed through the standard Windows uninstall program function.
- No other recent security software
Thanks for all the help so far!
Hmm, looks like the code is really stuck inside of the system “initialize registry” call and doesn’t return.
In that case, the boot-time scan doesn’t read the proper values from the registry and creates the log in the root of the system drive. After a two minute timeout, it gives up.
I would like to do something about this, but if the call to load the registry doesn’t return for some reason, I’m afraid there isn’t much I can do…