well ,my school is engaged in the safe Internet.
I defined a proxy ,but also failed connect to update sever…
ps:the proxy works well on every thing but avast5.0 update…And it is strange that avast 4.8 can update through this… :o
which avast 5.0?
is avast.update allowed 2 pass the fw?
well of cource I allowed avast5.0 pass fw…
and since avast 5.0 post, I have been using the Offline update…And that makes me >:( >:(
which version of avast? (5.0.???)
which avast? (free/pro/ais)
btw, don’t b b
Er …free version of course…
You say that you defined the proxy (presumably in the avast UI, Settings, Updates, Proxy Settings), did you also say that it requires Authentication and if so also enter the user name and password ?
my last try…
5.0.x (put ur version-build where the x is)
u have 2 tell us bout ur system-config…
what’s ur os? what sec-sw running?
since u r in china! what kind of fw? are there filters applied? etc…