can't add phone to account

Hi. After reset to factory settings i tried to download avast and log in to my account(it worked fine before).When i click the button AUTENTICATION_FAILED error appears. What should i do?

You have to have set Google framework for GCM and Play - do you have any Google account added in your device and synced? If not, please add one and try to download (and update Play) any app from Play.

how can i set google framework for gcm? i have google account synced and apps downloaded.

In this case everything should work. Did it work before factory reset?

Also suffering from this problem; after having contacted support directly regards to a different problem with the app, they recommended I “un- and reinstall” the app - at which point this problem occurred for me. Still haven’t got a solution to it from support, and after having found and referred to the thread in the support ticket the support staffer merely ‘passed me off’ to this thread!

??? :frowning: >:(

AVG… :-\

I have the same problem, after factory reset of my phone I could not link avast mobile security to my account.
I tried to uninstall and reinstall the app
I tried to delete and recreate the account
I tried to connect to avast account with no account created before

google account and sync is active
play has no updates for any apps.

What else can I do?

You mean you actually managed to delete your account? Surprisingly to myself I couldn’t work out nor even find out how to do that; despite having checked the FAQs!

It worked fine before reset. Maybe system still thinks my account is linked with phone so i can’t link it again?

Deleting the account is easy, just go to, sign in and go to the bottom of the page - there is a link Delete Account.

Im wondering how the app does authentication - it only asks for E-Mail Adress and not for password to sign in.

Oh, that’s how to do it… from the site footer?!! ??? :o

I created new account. It didn’t help :frowning:

To update with the latest response I’ve gotten from avast! Support on this matter:

The problem isn't on your, or our side. It's Google Cloud to Device Messaging - a service provided by google that we use to communicate with the installation. Sometimes the command messages don't make it to the device and the command just times out. Or the command message arrives at the device, the command is executed - but the return message (confirming the reception) doesn't arrive at the server. It's actually a google problem - we can hardly improve this.


Thanks for your reply!

I just dont understand, that if it is a problem from google service, why it just happen with one device. Other devices are added without a problem. And one specific device, that worked before, after a reinstall stopped working not being able to register to the account. It becomes like an incompatibility between the device and google message service?

Thanks for your time!

I’m generally with you there ‘Tonanet’, I don’t get it either! In the mean time, support have reminded me that I can still ‘control’ my phone via text messaging, which they furthermore advise:

I would recommend using SMS commands anyway. They are much more reliable and work even without internet access.

Pages 26, 27, and 28, of the user guide - available here in this PDF: - list all the SMS commands, so you could always print those pages out if they’d be useful to you (that includes anyone out there).