Stated above-please send to Avast with my email
What password are you trying to change ?
What avast version are you using ?
Why can’t you send email, e.g. what error/s are you getting ?
Product SKU: ISE-08-001-12-AR
Product Name: Avast Internet Security - 1 PC, 1 Year
Qty Ordered: 1
Order #8792734455
From AVAST “Could you please specify: Do you mean the security password on the Avast program’s settings, master password for Avast Passwords or EasyPass or the account password that you use to sign in with your email to Avast web interface?” Reply-The Authorization Password to get into General Program Access
You need to perform a clean installation to reset the password.
- Download Avast Internet Security:
- Follow instructions: (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
- Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
- Reboot.