I recently installed Avast home edition. And as soon as I did this I was not able to connect to the internet. I am running Macafee firewall. Avast has full access incoming and outgoing through Macafee. I have tried shutting off all the functions within Avast. Does not help at all. I turn off the firewall and still no access. As soon as I uninstall Avast and reboot, I am able to connect.
Is there a setting within Avast that I am not seeing?
I connect Via Cable
AMD 3500 Venice CPU
ASUS A8N-SLI Deluxe Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 SLI ATX AMD Motherboard
2gigs ram
Geforce 7800GT Vid card
An update on this. I uninstalled my Macafee Firewall and made sure the Windows Firewall was turned off. As soon as I install Avast I can’t connect to the web but can after uninstalling.
I am not running behind a proxy. I have two computers both are connected directly to my linksys router and then directly into my cable modem. I tried what you suggested Tech, I still have the same issue. I do not understand why with an application like this I would have to go through all that when with others it’s never required. It says that IE and Mozilla are automatically allowed to pass through. Well I guess that’s wrong.
Glad I was able to try this before I bought it. Saved me some money.
Tech I do appreciate your help but I don’t think this program is all that great. I mean look at all posts here with issues on this program.
Look, the fact of existing a forum and problems are being reported and solved (mostly) do not speak against the software, on contrary.
Let’s see the support you get from Microsoft, from Symantec, from Grisoft… etc.
You’ll see the free forum is really on your side and help more than any other round.
In fact, I use a proxy, no issues with avast… But right now I can’t see what’s wrong with your system. But, undoubtly, a conjuction of firewall, WebShield and any proxy is messing up.
Since you have McAfee firewall (even though turned off), do you or did you also have McAfee anti-virus? Two av’s on the same computer will cause both av’s to work badly … even if one of the av programs is turned off. An incomplete un-install of an old av (such as McAfee, Norton, etc) will also cause a new av program to malfunction.
Running a computer on the internet without firewall protection is just asking for problems. I would suggest that you completely un-install McAfee firewall and install ZA free or any other free firewall. I suggest ZA Free because I use it and know it works well with Avast.
I had uninstalled Macafee Firewall only to test out the Avast. I normally do not run without a firewall but did that for this purpose only. Guess I’m getting a tad bit frustrated because of hearing great things about this software, yet having an issue with it like this is a bit daunting. And at one point I did have Macafee anti-virus but that has long been uninstalled.
Approximately 2 years ago, I switched from McAfee to Avast because McAfee let my old computer get infected (no infections since on my old computer nor this new one … both Avast!). When I first installed Avast, it wouldn’t work correctly neither. I found that the problem was that un-installing McAfee was not enough because the program’s un-install did not remove all of the registry entries for McAfee. So, I ran Regedit, searched for all the registry enters containing McAfee & anything related to McAfee, and deleted each one of them. After that, Avast installed and ran correctly. Perhaps your computer also has leftover McAfee registry entries? ???
McAfee, Norton, & Symantec are well known for not removing all registry entries when they are un-installed. >:(
CharleyO, That did it. I deleted the McAfee files in my registry and that fixed all my problems. Thank you CharleyO and Tech for the help. Sorry about getting so frustrated. I had never run into an issue with an app like I had with this.