Hi, my computer has been catching random viruses after I would sign in to websites. So, I decided to do a boot scan. The scan found 2 trojan viruses. However, according to Avast, the viruses can’t be contained due to their moving locations. I know I didn’t move them because I’m unfamiliar with the place they chose to set up shop. I really don’t want them lingering on my laptop. Does anyone know what I can do to get rid of them? I have a Lenovo Legion running Windows 10.
Last known virus locations
C:\Users\Maire\Downloads\winlibs-x86_64-posix-seh- gcc-11.3.0-llvm-14.0.3-mingw-w64ucrt-10.0.0- r3.7zl>mingw64\bin\libgomp-1.dll
C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7Stuff\winlibs-x86_64-posix-seh- gcc-11.3.0-llvm-14.0.3-mingw-w64ucrt-10.0.0-
Have you recently downloaded and installed 7-zip from an unreliable source?
I dont know if avast is unable to fix if files are maybe in an archive format.
Maybe a scan with Malwarebytes would help.
or a boot time scan with avast.
Possibly, I like to mod games, so I have over 100+ 7-zips on my laptop from authors I don’t know. When I did the boot scan with Avast, it found the 2 viruses and about 50+ corrupted 7-zip files.
I downloaded Malwarebytes, and it successfully removed one of them with a custom scan. How can I remove the second?