Can't duplicate Trojan ??

Hi Guys, Please be gentle with me… My website hxxp:// seems to be affected with a Trojan or at least that’s what some of my on-line customers are saying. They all have Avast AV installed which is good however i also have Avast AV installed but i can’t seem to duplicate the problem my customers are experiencing…Why?? In order to fix this Trojan i need to see the problem. True ? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.



Hi muzwhizz, welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

Could you please modify your link to make it unclickable (i.e. chage http to hXXp) to prevent others potentially becoming infected.

This kind of detection is very common these days, with many ‘legitimate sites’ becoming hacked to distribute malware:

Every 3.6 seconds a website is infected

Unfortunately, it would appear that two .js files on the site are infected.


Both of these contain a script that is not supposed to be there at the end of them.

A post worth reading by DavidR


Thanks Scott. I’ll give it a bash… ::slight_smile:

Scott, seems to be working fine now… I went back to an old snap shot, did a purge and refresh. :stuck_out_tongue:
Is this generally a host problem ? Server ?
I had a similar problem about 2 months ago and my host weren’t that helpfull and denied any wrong doing at there end. I’m just about to change host from Pinbrook to Actinic… Wise ? Or stupid ?
I’m fairly new to all this and trying to learn the ins and outs… ;D


just guessing…(legit) web sites are infected by hackers. Hosts have a part of responsibility for not securing their servers properly, and somehow site owners for not being even aware of anything most of the time…

Not sure what you mean… Please explain.

Hi muzwhizz,

It seems to be ok now, I get no alert. :slight_smile:

Usually vulnerabilities are exploited in the software used to manage the site…

As for the hosts thing, sorry I have no idea…
