Hello, to all. Thank you for Avast Home Free edition, and for the time and effort you put into these forums :). I am a newbie to Avast with an email problem.
I am using Win98SE, Outlook Express 6, also ZoneAlarm Free(ver. and Avast Home Version build 4.6.623
I am unable to send an .EXE file with Avast installed on my computer, even when I turn off all the “On Access Protection” options. The email will go almost all the way through, but will then stall and I get this message:
“Your SMTP server has not responded in 60 seconds. Would you like to wait another 60 seconds?”
followed by this error report:
“A time-out occurred while communicating with the server. Subject ‘’, Account: ‘pop-server’, Server: ‘’, Protocol: SMTP, Port: 1100, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC19”
I am able to send other emails to the intended recipient with no problems.
Overall I like Avast Home, but will have to switch to something else if I can’t find a way around this problem. I hope you folks might be able to shine some light for this first time poster. Thanks in advance.
It is caused by the way that the mail scanner works. The whole email is first sent to the mail scanner and after being scanned it is sent to the server. You can increase the timeout value in Outlook Express account settings (menu Tools->Accounts->Properties->Advanced) to work around it.
Thank you for your reply vojtec. I upped the timeout to 2 minutes and the same thing still happens. This is a relatively small .exe for a Cable Connection, about 4.36 mb and shouldnt take so long to send. I will bump up the timeout to 4 minutes, but I am not certain this will help. The file gets almost to the end rather quickly, and then just stalls out. Thanks again for your reply, though!
You are sending this out as an attachment? When you say other messages go out normally, does this one go out if you remove the .exe extension? Try getting a little more information on what is happening-go to options/maintenance and select saving a mail log. Post the log-file should be called “smtp.log”, but I don’t know where it is on a W98 system offhand. A little more configuration info, since yours is probably nonstandard. How do you have OE and avast! setup to do the redirection to port 1100? Do you have your own mail server, or does this get to port 25 of something eventually? What is your actual SMTP server and port?
Thanks for getting back to us and letting us know the problem is solved.
It’s usually the little things that drive us nuts. ;D ;D
Welcome to the forum.