Can't get Avast to work properly

I’ve had avast for a long time, and yesterday I was having problems with my computer so I did a system restore. Since the restore I haven’t been able to use Avast.
I was getting errors trying to uninstall it, reinstall it, close it, CTRL ATL DEL it, couldn’t delete it from the regedit either.
I downloaded a program that let me get rid of it so I can try and start fresh with it.
I now have it installed, but it has the red X. When I open it, it says “UNSECURED FIX NOW” I click fix now and it does nothing.

I click Connect, nothing.
Start Program, nothing.

Any ideas what I can do to get this to work again?
I tried to reverse the system restore and it wouldn’t even let me do that :frowning:
Any advice would be appreciated!!

remove with this and reboot
reinstall and reboot

did it work ?

This has been said before, but it has to be mentioned again so that whoever read this post knows about it.

Windows System Restore does funny things to Avast!. Do not use it unless willing to reinstall Avast! from scratch. Bad Avast! bad. >:( Well it is not only Avast! other AVs users have reported similar misshapes.

Yea, avast and system restore is a marriage made in hell. I did a system restore but I first disabled avast’s self protection module. I then did a repair install after the system restore and was back in business. This was version 6 free.

Uh Oh - :-[ I did that last night when I had trouble booting up. All I was able to see was the Windows 7 Home Premium screen without my user ID logo.

I didn’t know that :frowning: I never had such a hard time uninstalling something before lol
I tried looking up the error codes, and nothing was working!!

I’m trying the avast uninstaller, its almost done reinstalling now. I hope it works!!!

Thanks :slight_smile:

ETA: it worked!!! Thanks guys!!!