Can't Hard Reset-Proof avast! Using CyanogenMod 10

Here’s the message I get. I use a Kindle Fire with Jelly Bean 4.1.1 CM10.

please give me the permissions of your /system/etc/custom_backup_list.txt

command in shell:

ls -l /system/etc/custom_backup_list.txt


I’d looked at this before and found it really weird.

please, i do not want the contents of the file

execute the command exactly as i posted above.

u0_a36@android:/ $ export PATH=/data/local/bin:$PATH
u0_a36@android:/ $ ls -l /system/etc/custom_backup_list.txt
-rw------- root root 36 2012-09-06 22:48 custom_backup_list.txt

Are you still available?

i also have a weekend, guy :slight_smile:

seems the permissions on custom_backup_list.txt are too restrictive. We will fix that in next program update. For now, either perform following command with system partition rw mounted:

chmod 644 custom_backup_list.txt

or just delete the file and recreate it from Anti-Theft.

I forget the Internet also has weekends :stuck_out_tongue:

Shell command didn’t work; “Unable to find file or command.”

Deleted the file, then did the re-write, backed up “successfully” the first time, fails at later attempts.

I do believe that the “successful” backup actually has no effect. I remember seeing these messages before wiping my system through TWRP Recovery, but would later find out that the settings actually failed.

the issue with re-try failures will be fixed in next public update (we then set permissions correctly).
