Can't install Avast! Internet Security

      I can't install Avast Internet Security on a Windows XP Home SP3 computer. After I complete the setup wizard, it hangs at a Windows Installer box that I have to kill with Task Manager. I already tried all the boilerplate advice, I tried upgrading Windows Installer, I tried tracing it with Process Monitor, and I do not have any more time to guess. I can't go back to Avast Professional 4.8 because my license expired and it was too expensive to renew compared to AIS. How can I determine exactly why this product will not install? I am baffled that any professionally produced software could fail in this way, with absolutely no clue as to why it is failing.

Hi Assauci,

This happened at my machine too, but may you retry again to re-download from avast! website.
This probably caused by corrupted installer file.


This has happened to me as well. Check add/remove programs to make sure all entries of avast are removed, run avast uninstaller afterward (also make sure other antivirus software isn’t installed - granted you are just moving from one avast to another.) Then reboot your machine and install avast from a fresh downloaded file. This should fix everything. (In my case I had found a partially disabled kaspersky - it was installed but none of it was running)

Also you should use the latest build:

     I downloaded the file only last week. I used the exact same file to install the program on six other workstations. I can't believe that it's corrupted. I ran the uninstall utility, which would not remove all of the 4.8 installation, so I had to boot with a CD and delete what was left manually. Does anyone have any scientific way to determine exactly why the program will not install on this particular workstation without me siting there guessing?


My problem has been solved, you may see at :


      I don't see anything in that thread that I haven't already tried. After the trouble I had to go through to get 4.8 off that workstation, it won't be going back on, even as a troubleshooting technique. So right now I have a client sitting with no antivirus and no way to install it. How long can I leave someone like that? Is there no way to correct this?

Could be… :wink:
But you have to post more info about the system…

      Specifics, please.

Other security/firewall software installed. (also prior installed)

      The only other software that falls in that category on that computer would be AOL. I know it often installs its own junk-- not sure exactly what in this case.

I’ll try an installation from the scratch:

  1. Download the latest version of avast! Uninstall Utility and save it.
  2. Download the latest avast! version and save it.
  3. Uninstall avast from Control Panel (if possible). If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after that.
  4. Run the avast! Uninstall Utility saved on 1. If, for any reason, you can’t run it, try booting in Safe Mode and doing it from there. Anyway, boot after you’ve run it.
  5. Install avast! using the setup saved on 2. Boot.
  6. Register your free copy or add the license key for Pro.
  7. Check and post the results.

I’ve already done all this to no avail. Can’t we get to the bottom of this without guessing? I have a workstation with no antivirus at all on it. I have to get this solved or else I’ll have to try another product. The only other solution is a complete reformat, which is unacceptable.

ASaucci, I’m not guessing.
The title of the thread is “Can’t install Avast! Internet Security”.
Installing from the scratch is the most common solution for that.
Need a refund? Maybe contacting the reseller or send an email to sales (at) avast (dot) com.

      I finally managed to get it installed after I discovered that Outlook 2007 had been installed on the workstation but never run. (The user has a webmail account and uses that for e-mail.) After I ran Outlook and allowed the user portion of the installation to complete, the Avast installation also completed. It still would have been nice if I didn't have to figure this out for myself; the Avast setup program should create a log file of some sort that will identify the cause of an installation failure so that it can be corrected without hours and hours of guessing. I must have spent at least twelve hours altogether over several weeks trying to resolve this problem. Fortunately, I'm a cheap consultant, but someone paying $100-$150/hr. for a consultant would not be happy about the bill that a problem of this sort would generate-- or the consultant would be very unhappy about having to bill the job well below his usual rate and be less likely to recommend Avast to other clients.

The avast setup does create a log (assuming it gets that far) C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\Setup.log, now I don’t know how detailed that is if it would report an Outlook related issue or not.