After having a lot of problem with Avast stopping legitimate sites load (503 error) I tried updating from the GUI to latest program version .2011 but it gets stuck at “Launching AvastEmUpdate.exe”
So ran the uninstaller (in safe mode) thats linked here and downloaded a fresh installer.
Same error though hangs on starting AvastEmUpdate.exe.
Given up on Avast now to be honest and looking at alternatives as I cant have no AV installed!
Its been the best for many years but the latest release has killed it.
Essexboy, please also ask them why there’s no timeout?
With Avast’s installer, “stuck” takes on a whole new meaning. You have to log out or reboot, then you end up with a half-installed Avast! that doesn’t even show up in the Programs and Features list in the control panel.