can't launch any scan, but scan at boot time only


By right click on the Avast icon on the tools tray down on the right part of the screen, I normally open and see the Avast main interface display. But then by left clicking on the lauch a scan option (“lancer un scan”), I do not receive any of the usual other options, as “scan rapide”, “scan minutieux”, etc … (I use the Avast french version). In other words, I can only eventually separately select the boot time option.

Do I need to re-install Avast completely, and if yes, how do I manage to save the installation key ?

I have Avast free version 7.0.1474, with VPS 121218-0 on my laptop. On my other PC, Avast behaves normally.
Both systems are Windows XP SP3 normally updated.

Thanks in advance for any help.

For the free version you don’t nee to save the key.
Start by doing a repair of avast! (Add/Remove - Select avast! then scroll down and select repair)
Reboot the see if your problem is solved.
If that doesn’t work, uninstall and re install then simply register the program again.

OK, thanks, fully re-installing Avast solved the problem, and all the scan options are now available. The repair with reboot option did’nt change anything. Can’t see why this problem occured, as for the last weeks, I could run scans normally, with no virus detected … Any ideas ?