I copied a MS Word doc from a thumb drive onto my hard drive. Now I can’t delete it, rename it, or move it, because it says it’s open in Avast Antivirus. How can I delete this file?
tried restart computer and then delete again?
I’ve restarted several times with no change.
Is it protected by avast ransomware shield?
Try starting the PC in Safe Mode and deleting it that way.
I’ve had a handful of cases like this, not involving AVAST, where it has said the same thing ie. it is being use by another program and that is the solution I’ve used which has worked.
Other times a simple shutdown and restart has resolved the problem too.
A program designed for just such a problem, Unlocker.
I use the portable version, https://www.majorgeeks.com/files/details/unlocker_portable.html
+1 for Unlocker
Greetz, Red.
I like to keep it simple first so trying in Safe Mode first I’d still go with.
Of course if simple doesn’t work Unlocker sounds like the sort of tool that will do the job the OP wants.
I think I have Unlocker somewhere but never used it or needed to use it but thanks for mentioning that and reminding me about it.
You’re welcome. If you don’t have it, I provided the link to a safe download.
Restarting in Safe Mode did the trick. Thank you all for your help.
Good news, glad it worked.