I had removed IS for some testing and now am unable to re-install.
Always run into the same problem:
Firewall and Shields are inactive. Can’t start any of them. The fix button only reveals an error
that the Firewall can’t be started.
Repair doesn’t work, re-install from scratch doesn’t work ??? ??? ???
Right now Microsoft’s Security Essentials is protecting my system. ( Not my choice but, right now I have no choice)
Maybe: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=57650.msg486342#msg486342
Worth a try
Thanks but There are only 67 files ???
…? What are you trying to say?
Simple if it takes that much effort for something that might or might not cure the problem,
is it really worth the effort ??? How many lay people if they run into this type of problem
will really attempt to find the problem or, simply give up and use another vendors product ???
You can use the normal windows search to search inside the files… Not much of an effort.
bob3160, that could cure the problem… worth a try.
I found it in file #63. There is also a corresponding .PNF file which also references aswNdis
Is that also to be deleted ???
No problem, could delete both (if you’re unsure, move them to desktop for instance).
Uninstalled avast!5 IS - Rebooted. - Ran the asw5clear.exe utility - rebooted
Removed the entries from the Inf folder which reference to aswNdis and rebooted the system.
Installed setup_ais.exe. - Rebooted.
Once the system restarted I was greeted with the following:
Not only aren’t the services running but, Repair doesn’t work and, I’m left without internet access.
My only alternative was to again remove avast!5 IS and switch back to an alternet AV so as not to be online without any protection.
Internet access was restored as soon as avast! 5 IS was uninstalled.
Why can’t I get avast! 5 IS installed ??? It was originally on my system. I originally did a simple upgrade with out any problems.
Bob, as usual, please, post the last 300-350 lines of avast log: C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.log
(or the shorter C:\Users\All Users\Alwil Software\Avast5\log\Setup.log).
Sorry Tech, the folder no is no longer in existence.
Removed with the last uninstall of avast!.
You don’t have to apologize… What we need is getting it to work.
I’m having problems with MS Outlook plugin and can’t find a solution either.
Does avast appears into the Add/Remove of Control Panel?
Does the program folder exist? Or the common users one?
removed when I uninstalled avast! and used the removal tool.
Just a thought… what about the “avast” folder in C:\Windows\Temp…?
If it’s there: delete it.
It’s just a shot in the dark, but you never know.
C:\Windows\Temp_avast5_ is there but empty. Looks like it’s something the removal tool doesn’t delete ???
Next attempt will be to re-install avast!5 IS but skip the Firewall portion.
I still get more than with the Pro version.
Bob have you considered cleaning avast completely out of yr Registry and off all Windows directories.
A bit of a drastic measure, but I sometimes do this when I am having trouble with install or run of a program
And then re-install clean
cleaning out all of the registry is supposed to be done by the un-install utility ???
Oh no it wont be cleaned completely, but yes everything that should be cleaned out is meant to be cleaned out. Sometimes though, there can be sticky files that get hitched, kind of like with an interrupted install, but they are not corrupted, just sticky I suppose. I get this a lot with install and uninstall of tv tuner cards. But I have to say not with avast. I just wonder if something else is ‘sticking’ a file or two, something that we would not expect to do such a thing.
The only other thing is perhaps install in Safe Mode. I think you can do this - even though avast will not run in Safe Mode. You just boot back into Normal Mode, and have to manually start avast I guess. I have never tried it. perhaps you cannot install in Safe Mode.
Good luck anyway.