Can't reach if Web Shield is enabled

For some reason, the website fails to load at all on my Mac if the Web Shield is enabled. I tried adding an exception for, but it made no difference. Using Google Chrome, I get the following error:

This site can’t be reached unexpectedly closed the connection.
Reloading the page
Checking the connection
Checking the proxy and the firewall

Any idea what’s going on?

Do you have the latest Avast version? I can’t reproduce the issue with latest Avast and Chrome.

Yep, I just checked to make sure. And the problem is still happening for me. If I enable the Web Shield, is unreachable. Kind of weird.

Is the problem also there if you use another browser ?
If not, reset Chrome to the default settings and check again.

I’m not a MAC user, but it seems to me this is worth to check/try.

I’ve tried Chrome and Safari and get the same results, unfortunately.

Ok, that at least rules out that it is a Chrome specific problem.

To quote Sherlock Holmes…
Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. :wink:

Yeah, it’s really weird. It’s even busted after adding to the exceptions list. Pretty strange!

Are you using a vpn (or another proxy) ?
Is (or was) there other security (related) software on the system ? av, firewall, vpn etc.

Nope. No VPN or proxy and this is the only security software running on this system.

The reason is that has broken IPv6 at the moment (and you are on a IPv6 capable network).
Because the Avast webshield works as a transparent proxy, the web browser does not make a reconnect
attempt using IPv4 that it would do without Avast, when the IPv6 connection (that it tries first) fails.

Adding an exception won’t work either in this case, because the exceptions only affect the “application
level”, not the “network level”, i.e. the connections go through the proxy regardless of any exceptions
(but the content is not scanned).

More technical info can be found here:

To sum it up - the solution is to make Sweden fix their web site. If that does not work ;-), than you can temporary
disable the webshield or at least IPv6 in the webshield.

Excellent! That makes perfect sense. Thanks to all for the help!