Everything seemed to go smoothly when I upgraded to Avast Internet Security, until it said I needed to reboot before the upgrade takes effect. The reboot kept looping, so I rebooted in safe mode, uninstalled Avast, and rebooted just fine. I then downloaded FREE Avast which works fine, tried ??? to upgrade again and same reboot loop happened.
product comparison - if you havent read it already
Mkis, what is that supposed to help the OP?
Are there any minidump files (with timestamps corresponding to the reboots) in Windows\Minidump folder?
product comparison - -
- prioritise Script shield, Process virtualisation, Command-line scanner as need to be tested
- before they can be flagged as not directly the cause of reboot loop
They are leads Zyndstoff from which to begin test cycles - simple tests base on what are the introduced differences
can pass them quickly enough as not direct responsible and move on, or may prompt to surface info that helps with troubleshoot of issue
Mkis: I see what you were trying to communicate to the OP, but kindly consider this:
-It was a newbie posting
-he/she must not necessarily have deeper IT-skills
So I think your post in question may be of value to a somewhat experienced user in guiding him to where to troubleshoot, it will be of no help for any not tech-savvy user. Those do need advice on what to do next. They often don’t have the ability to troubleshoot on their on.
Zyndstoff is correct…as a newbie I would need a little more non-tech advice to tackle the problem. Thanks for trying.
product comparison is recommended reading for all users, is very good sheet.
the OP has introduced a new environment for their operating system. Outside the firewall and sandbox, which are obvious points of focus, the user’s system does need to be reconciled with the new environment. I don’t see that the product comparison sheet can be posted too often. The posting of the sheet is not only for the benefit simply of the OP. There are other members who came to the forum to read through the posts.
So where were we?
You wanted to give more specific advice to the OP… I can’t, because I don’t know what to do. :
Igor intervened - OP has the option to send in a minidump file which is good option.
However our issue is important zyndstoff and probably more so when computer can boot into Normal mode and there are still problems, and not the least because I dont really know either, but like you I sure do want to find out. There has been a few situations that appear somewhat similar to the OP’s issue and I would say at a guess that there is a program, a device or a driver on the OP’s computer that is proving to be a spanner in the works. And more often than not, this will then confuse (for want of better word) the process at the time that is being represented by AvastSVC and so is unable to perform to task.
Just an example, I have to go out for a while and I dont want to drop this just now because we might be able to devise some workarounds for users that allow them to test their Security Suite. and also see if anything comes back from Igor, etc. I will be back.
And I just dont think the Help Center gets used enough. there are some great sheets in there, and simply written, ideal for newbs to get their heads around.
Edit - OP reinstalls Security Suite, boots into Safe Mode, runs a HijackThis analysis.
Oh sorry, here’s how to find Help center - for those who do not know
- right-click avast icon (orange ball with ‘a’ on it) in system tray at lower right- hand corner of screen.
- choose > Open avast! user interface
- Help center is found top right-hand corner of screen (see screenshot)
Here is how to run a HijackThis log
Click here – http://www.filehippo.com/download_hijackthis/download/8571e06e5eb8ab03c649f3b5d647c599/
Download the program and run. Then do scan and save a log file.
Post the log file to the forum thread. If it is too large you may have to post in two parts.
Once HjT is download and run, then you can access to run scans without having to be on the internet.
You can also run HjT scans in Safe Mode.
Thanks…I will try to do that in next couple days (Have been too busy to address the problem lately). I did already try the help center but couldn’t find anything appropriate to my problem.
Hi conboeck
I think Zyndstoff perhaps right, and my second post was a bit too abrupt for a reminder
Here is another step test that we take the computer through - I use OSI, others use PSI
- even just to check that yr flashplayer is performing at optimum
- checks java is up to date as well
click Start Scanner - takes you to next page, where java applet loads
choose display only insecure, click Start - scanner runs, generates report at finish
The scanner will highlight the programs that need to be updated and will give you download link.