I was flagged by avast! that a new update was available today, so I went ahead and updated my free version. Since I did this, I cannot recieve any E-Mails from MSN account to my MS-Outlook software. I get this message: Task ‘Home.EMail - Receiving’ reported error (0x80042108) : ‘Outlook cannot connect to your incoming (POP3) e-mail server. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider (ISP).’
I tried to disable the Network Shield, but that didn’t do anything.
Don’t understand the last reply. My system worked fine before the update. I didn’t change anything. The link uses GMAil as it’s sample, I have MSN. Screens are different as well. I have two accounts downloaded to my Outlook. One is a GMail (IMAP) and the other is MSN (Live.com - POP3). It is the POP3 account that is getting the error
Starting from avast! 7.0.1473, all incoming and outgoing e-mails handled by Microsoft Outlook are scanned by avast! Outlook Add-In by default, and not by the Mail Shield, therefore the connection is made directly from Microsoft Outlook when e-mails are being received and/or sent. If an encrypted connection is required, all credentials and encryption settings to your e-mail accounts need to be configured in Microsoft Outlook exactly as specified by your mail service provider (and not in the Mail Shield settings as it was prior to avast! 7.0.1473).
Re-reading didn’t help. I don’t know what " exactly as specified by your mail service provider" as they were working before the upgrade. I would assume they are set at the correct mail service standards. I haven’t changed them in 10 years. And, as mentioned earlier, the screens in the “MAIN SHIELD SETTINGS (from 'EXPERT SETTINGS”) are not the same in version 7.0.1474.
Open Account settings in Microsoft Outlook and configure all credentials and encryption settings to your e-mail accounts, including protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP…), host names and port numbers, exactly as specified by your mail service provider
Then open the avast! user interface, click the ‘REAL-TIME SHIELDS’ tab, from the unfolded submenu select ‘Mail Shield’ and then click the ‘Expert Settings’ button.
In the left pane of the MAIL SHIELD SETTINGS window click the ‘SSL Accounts’ option, and there in the MAIL ACCOUNTS list delete all references related to e-mail accounts accessed by Microsoft Outlook.
Open Account settings in Microsoft Outlook and configure all credentials and encryption settings to your e-mail accounts, including protocols (SMTP, POP3, IMAP…), host names and port numbers, exactly as specified by your mail service provider