Can't send commands anymore in

why I cannot send anymore commands like record audio, take picture etc to my phone from ? Those options are now grey/inactive.
Thank you in advance!

I have the same problem - a few days ago, this links turned to grey without any function. Any help would highly appreciated.

TXH :slight_smile:

Some things will only work if you have the paid version.

But it worked for years until few days ago. I want to pay, but how? Btw, it seems that I already have premium.
I have Galaxy S4 i9505, 4.4.2 rooted and AntiTheft installed as rooted. Latest version of AntiTheft on a newer phone (S6 6.0) has a big problem: stored pictures and audio recordings on the internal SD so can be seen by thief.

I already see several problems.

You don’t have the premium version of AMS or you would not had to ask how to pay.
AT is part of the paid version of AMS
There isn’t a version of AMS that is supported on rooted phones.

In short:
Real old not supported software on a non supported OS.

In short here too:
I have another Galaxy S6 with Android 6.0 and latest version of AMS and AntiTheft. I don’t want pictures and recordings that I make from to be stored on internal SD. Can you fix this?

As nothing is broken, there is nothing to fix.

Nice answers. Congratulations! I’ll speak with your boss.

It is your own choice to use obsolete/non supported software.
Either learn to live with the limitations or use recent software that will fully work.

My boss?
Good luck finding him/her.
I was my own boss and and retired over 15 years ago.

I am facing with the same problems above mentioned and I tried to explain my problem with the heading subject “Avast Anti Theft licence?” 2 days ago. The old version was working smoothly. After this problem, I bought AMS but it doesnt work properly in my phone (Note4). We want the old version or please fix the new one.

Forget about obsolete.
You acidity is annoying. I explained you and I’ll make it again: I have Galaxy S6 with Android 6.0 and AMS 6.6.0 (latest). When I make commands from panel like take photo or audio recording, files .jpg and .amr are stored on internal SD and can be viewed in gallery. I don’t want this. In previous versions it wasn’t like this. So it seems to me as a bug. Can you fix it?
Thank you!
PS: The older one was perfect. I can’t understand why some developers broke their own work. If someone stole my phone and make factory reset? On older one it was installed rooted and stay activated even the thief make factory reset. And yes, everything was so smooth on the older versions. I bought license in the past (you can chech), but starting about one year ago you made all options free. I want to pay for the options (picture, audio recording etc) again, but stay with the “obsolete” one until you fix or improve this new one. (I don’t want pictures and audio recordingd stored on internal SD, only in Google Drive, and make the app to survive after a factory reset like it was in the past).

As I said, nothing is broken so there is nothing to fix.

You are also wrong about the factory reset.
A true factory reset will remove the rooted OS.

So this is was a fake property of your old versions (for wich I payed), right? Nice. Very professional…
Second: On 6.6.0 is not normal to store and display recorded pictures and audios in stolen phone’s gallery. Normal is to write them on Google Drive’s space (like it was before). So it has to be fixed. Or leave it like this and goodbye.
One star on google and review there + xda.

It isn’t my version and not even close as I am not connected to avast in any way.

Storage is as it is now.
You can only give feedback to avast and ask them to change it.

So what is your role on this forum? Unbelievable…

Hi ingy_dust,
Eddy is one of our best power users and he helps to evangelize users and provides support on this forum. I’m Avast employee and I will forward this thread to responsible team in our company - they will eventually clarify if current undesired state is caused by technical limitations, bug or product decision.

Thanks for understanding,