I’ve used free AVAST for a couple of years without any problem. However, I recently installed version 5.0.545 and now get the following message when I try to send an e-mail: “Unable to connect to SMTP server smtp.gmail.com via STARTTLS since it doesn’t offer STARTTLS In EHLO response.”
I use Mozilla Thunderbird and have made no changes of any kind to my set-up except for the AVAST version change noted. I temporarily shut down my firewall (Windows XP, service pack 2) to no avail. I also changed the setting under “use secure connection” to “never” in the Tools/Account Settings/Server Settings tab. I still get the same message.
Has anyone else encountered the same problem? What is the solution?
I am an average user, certainly not technically sophisticated. Thanks.
avast! 5.x: The Mail Shield may not scan some e-mails
avast 5 and thunderbird settings - google search
Windows XP SP3 has been available for almost 2 years and support for systems with SP2 will stop shortly.
Go to Control Panel then Automatic Updates then select Automatic (recommended) or at least Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.
Go to Secunia Online Software Inspector then run it to see what other applications are vulnerable:
Thanks. To your points:
(1) I used to run SP 3 but found it slowed my computer down appreciably. So, I’ m reluctant. Does this have a direct impact on my problem, i.e. would SP 3 correct it? Remember everything ran fine until, to my enormous regret, I installed the latest version of AVAST.
(2) My update setting is “notify me”. I used to have it as “automatic” but changed it precisely because I did not want it to install SP 3. I religiously download and install the updates, except for SP 3.
So, where do I go from here? Thank you.
You should definitely update to SP3 asap…!! That is in no way related to any AV, as the best AV product can’t protect you, if you have holes in your OS…! And believe me, you have many right now…!!
(1) Change your Outgoing Server security setting in Thunderbird from “TLS” to “TLS, if available” or to “SSL”. From the menu select “Tools”, “Account Settings…”, scroll to the bottom and select “Outgoing Server (SMTP)”, then select “smtp.gmail.com” and click the “Edit…” button. If you select “TLS, if available” then the Avast Mail Shield will be able to scan your outbound mail. If you select “SSL”, Avast won’t scan your outbound mail but it won’t prevent it from being sent, either.
or (2) Disable the Mail Shield. If Thunderbird is using SSL to retrieve your inbound mail, the Mail Shield isn’t scanning your inbound mail anyway. Open the Avast user interface, click “Real-Time Shields” and then “Mail Shield”, click the “Stop” button and select “Stop permanently”. (If you’d prefer that the Mail Shield scan your inbound mail, let the Mail Shield run and in Thunderbird change “Use secure connection:” for your gmail account from “SSL” to “Never”.)
As for you, you Three Stooges of AV evangelism, is installing SP3 the best solution your fuzzy brains could produce? If you’ve forgotten your infamous update that flagged every file as a virus before rendering the OS inoperable by repairing the “infestation”, I assure you that we haven’t. From a user’s point of view your Mail Shield is a mad leap of faith - disable the known network security provided by open-source Thunderbird and trust that closed-source Avast is somehow covering the gap. You aren’t simply scanning traffic and passing it on - you’re rewriting packets for no better reason than to force your users to use your Mail Shield. I’m not sure whether dropping the STARTTLS capability from the mail server’s EHLO response was strategic or simply a bug. I’m inclined to think it a bug, since none of you three seem to have a clue why TLS but not SSL was affected.
@ pfk2
The Three Stooges welcome you to the avast! forum.
It would be the first step to go, imo.
And don’t worry, we’ll lead the user trough the other steps, too…!!
If we get feedback…