cant send email

i have just installed new avast,earlier i had a free edition ,now i have paid for it.

when i tried to send e-amil i get a failure every time,no problem of reciving e-mail.i have tried to unactivate "scan email"but it doesent help.

When i put Avast interent security protection off,everything is ok

Can somebody please help me…

Not sure if this will help, try avast repair and restart

For a repair of avast. Windows, Add Remove programs, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Change/Remove button from the pop-up window, scroll down to Repair, click next and follow.

did it work?

ok thanks i will try it now

sorry about that evengelist,but it didnt work,this is the text i recived every time i try to dend mail

Den avviste e-postadressen er Emne ‘test’, Konto: ‘’, Server: ‘’, Protokoll: SMTP, Svar fra server: ‘554 5.7.1 <[]>: Client host rejected: Access denied’, Port: 25, Sikker (SSL): Nei, Serverfeil: 554, Feilkode: 0x800CCC79

What is your email client?
Is it SSL encrypted connection?

Sorry but i am not that good in PC,van you read anything from the message i send on last topic.

Are you Norwegian ??? a bit easier to explain in Norwegian :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I am not Norwegian. ;D

Try this: In Avast, go to Mail Shield, Expert Settings, SSL accounts. Delete all settings there.
Try again.

Pondus.Du er norsk ser jeg,kan du svare meg på norsk tror du,litt enklere å forklare da,litt merkelig hele gria,jeg hadde en free edition i flere år,jeg fikk tilbud om å kjøpe avast og da begynnte problemene med å sende epost,hva tror du problemet er nå du leser den meldingen jeg får??

jeg fjerne hele scanning av inn og utpost bare for å teste,da funker det jo fint,så det må jo være noe med Avast e-post scanning som lager problemene

ok syndstoff i will try later on,thank you anyway

Er det outlook express du bruker ?

gå til verktøy > kontoer > Egenskaper > avansert

hva viser instillingene der ?

See if this helps:

Check your Outlook Express settings, making sure that your SMTP username, password, and server are correct.
Then follow this procedure to make sure you set up Outlook Express to use SMTP authentication :

  1. Click “Accounts” in the “Tools” menu
  2. Click on your email account then click “Properties”
  3. Click “Servers”
  4. Make sure the “My server requires authentication” box is checked

Nei jeg har windows mail,alt skal være rett innstilt,har også laget en hel ny brukerkonto på mailen,det var jo ingen problemer før jeg bestillte og innstallerte denne nye Avast 5(element ?)-

betalte bare 30 dollar så det er ingen krise hvis jeg må bytte,men var veldig fornøyd med den gamle free editon da.

Hvor viktig er det med å scanne alle ut og inn bokser kun på mailen,hvis jeg fjerner scanning totalt av mail så funker den jo ok.

vell har sjekket litt på nett og haugen nett (det er vell altibox du har) har virus scanner på mail serveren, så du er ikke ubeskyttet

I innstillingene der det står utgående og innkommende, hvilke porter er brukt ?
Og ved siden av kan du hake av for SSL, er dette gjort ?

inngående har jeg ut har jeg

det er slik det er annvist som du sier via altibox og har jo funket i 5 år før jeg fikk den nye Avast

Jeg slår meg til ro med dette så lenge altibox scanner mailen.

tusen takk for den hjelpen du har gitt,kommer til å bruke denne siden videre hvis det dukker opp noe mer

can you briefly sum up this thread? Just to share the experiences?
Did you help him? If so, what was the problem?


Well he havent come up with all the info, i was asking for the settup what ports in use an if there where SSL settings
But he only gave the smtp/pop server name

Anyway i found some info about the ISP he is using, and told him that they have spam/virus filter on the mail server
So he then seems do not bother if the mail scan was working or not…

That’s what I thought I read…
There are some issues on the Mailshield and I think that part should be reworked somehow. It’s working fine for me, but many users seem to have problems, specially those with not so sommon ISPs…

In Norway most ISP don`t use SSL, i only know of one where you have it as an option.
So i dont think he have SSL setting, unless there is something new as he is on a new fibernetwork…
Me i am routing my workmail to Gmail, and since they use SSL i can send/recive mail when conected to Hotell networks
Before this i could only recive and had to use webmail to send