Can't turn off email signature


Since I installed Avast I haven’t been able to remove the Avast signature. I know I should be able to following a few steps, the problem is that from the beginning I did not install “Mail Shield”. I can’t seem to do it from outlook web or avast settings. It’s really annoying.

You appear to be looking in the correct area, however the Mail Shield isn’t used for MS Outlook email scanning, there is an internal add-on for Outlook to scan emails. I can only assume (never having used Outlook or the Avast add-on for Outlook) that there would be a similar option.

If you were using a non-outlook email client further down in the screen you attached should be the option ‘Add a signature to the end of sent emails.’ I use Mozilla Thunderbird for my emails and that option is there for me.

@DavidR as he say and seen at top of his screenshot he is not using a mail client but outlook webmail

Which is why I said the Outlook Add-on handles the email scanning not the Mail shield, so Diego428 will need to look in the Avast MS Outlook add-on/plug-in to see if the settings are there.

Especially since his image states that Email scanner is not installed.

I believe this is the bug I reported months ago :frowning:
(i.e. Web shield also adds email signature when web-mail is used, though this setting only appears on Mail shield)

For now you can use “Old settings” to disable mail signature. Please note old settings will be removed soon.

Menu => Settings => Troubleshooting => Open old settings => General => Uncheck “Enable Avast email signature”

yes, and I don’t see the check box in “geak:area” , isn’t it ?

Hi NON, could you please check if it’s fixed in the beta…!? (Note, cant test as I don’t use web-mail.)

Right, no checkbox available in geek:area. I suppose that because it is indeed available in Mail Shield settings (no duplication).

Well, then I have to uninstall Mail Shield first… will take some time
(I reported this bug on user-report basis; i.e. reported by another user and solved by the step mentioned above)

When you talk about webmail, are you talking about a specific product or,
wemail like gmail, hotmail, etc?
I use gmail and don’t have a signature and have Mail Shield active.

I mean gmail (and seems Outlook too).
I suppose you disable mail signature in Mail Shield; it also disables web-mail signature.

Never mind, it’s not that important.

Thank you very much! This solved it. I am even scared to update Avast now lol… What if this option doesn’t show anymore. Anyway, thank you very much, I found this really annoying and invasive as right off the bat I did NOT ask for any of this to be installed.

Glad to hear it worked :slight_smile:
I also notified (again) Avast team about this bug, hopefully they fix this.