Can't update the virus definition

Hi guys,

After the last update of virus definition the version number is 180521-06 and the date is (31 of December of 2013), because of that I believe that the avast can’t stop notify that I have a problem unsolved and I need to update, but I can’t because that is the last version :frowning:

Anyone else are getting that?

Same problem here.
Version 180521-06 (1 jan. 2014).

Something went wrong in this update.

I’m having the same problem. Is anyone at Avast listening?

Same problem here as well. Seems we have a couple of threads regarding issues.

Exact same problem as macalho

Same problem occurring on my Samsung Galaxy Note8 :-\ :-
Really hope this is resolved soon. :wink:

I have the same problem both on my tablet and my smartphone(galaxy s6 edge)

Same problem with BQ Aquarius U Plus with Android 7.1.1

I’m having the same problem today. Everything was just fine yesterday.

Same problem. Avast, fix, please.

Same problem. +Permanent notification is completely freezed.

Same here on all of my devices!!! Is anyone home at Avast?

Same Issue --Virus definitions version 180521-06 (Dec.31, 2013). Will not update to current.

I have the ame problem, I have avast premium account on my both phones (Galaxy S7 and Moto e4plus), also we have another tow mobile devices at home with free avast and all experienced the same issue.

I had the same issue too. I deleted and reinstalled the app to my Nokia 3, now with latest updates, but unable to connect it to my account, it keeps saying ‘Authorization failed. Sorry’
yet I enter the same password to get into the avast website online.

I have the exact same issue. Would Avast please reply?!!??!!

The Same here. Whats is happening? It is a bug? :cry:

version 180521-08 has just updated on my phone & resolved the issue

Yup! Just updated & all good now!
