Can't update to 411.2

Hi Guys…

I’m aware of the problem with the bad virus def update - 411.1. I’ve had the problem for several hours.

I’m also aware that there is a new update 411.2.

The problem I’m having is that when trying to do a manual update…
The progress bar starts… says downloading “Prodais-vpx” then instantly stops.
A message comes up saying I already have version 411.2.

However, if I check again - I’m still on 411.1, and I’m still getting the false triggers.

I’ve been trying to update for over 2 hours… Is this just a server busy problem, or does my system think that I already have the lastest.

Thanks for your help


Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

A couple of options.

Thanks spg Scott

I tried control panel - repair - no joy.

also tried the manual update with the link you provided. It told me I already had the latest - but I didn’t.

I ended up - uninstalling - rebooting - reinstalling - then updating
and all is well now.

Thanks for your help - much appreciated