I am using “Avast Premium” (Paid) and “Avast cleanup Premium” (paid) Can i use “CCleaner” ? Do you recomend it ?
Unless there has been some sea change recently the answer is yes. The question is do you actually need to use it when you’ve paid for the AVAST clean up tool which does many of the same things?
Whether it is worthwhile using either is moot. For instance cleaning out all cookies to free up space is supposed to make your PC run faster but will actually slow down your browser’s initial web site page loading time very obviously. You’ll also likely have to re-login to every web site unless you manually manage your cookies or use other software to do the same thing.
Registry cleaning has never been proven to improve performance noticeably either.
Claims that freeing up space in general improves performance when you’re using a SSD as the primary drive, like most(?) of us are, is almost certainly bogus too. Like defragging it is only applicable to HDDs.
Freeing up space really does little more than that. Useful in itself but nothing more of real ie. noticeable, practical value.
I like CCleaner for a number of reasons primarily because after nearly ten years of use it has never caused me any problems. It has a simple but comprehensive GUI and it is still a useful tool which, as far as it can be, is under the user’s control. You decide when and what is deleted. Some people prefer to have these things done for them automatically.
BTW the Mozilla community (Firefox, Thunderbird etc) generally dislike the use of CCleaner and other browser cleaners and I assume that includes AVAST Cleanup too.