Certain websites blocked??

I have had Avast for a while now with no problems; last night and this morning Sun Bingo is blocked as being unsafe but I’ve been using it for weeks with no problems!

How do I get around this? It wouldn’t be an issue normally but there’s money involved here!

is this the one wXw.sunbingo.co.uk/ ?

testing with Sucuri / unmaskparasites / URLvoid they all say clean…

@ willsmum68
If the URL suggested by Pondus is the correct site, I’m not getting any alert on this site and am able to access it.

If you can post the full path of the alert (breaking the link as Pondus did wXw) or post a screenshot of just the alert window. With your next reply, click the additional options link to allow images to be attached.


Thanks for your replies. I can’t copy and paste the message from avast that pops up, but it tells me that malware has been blocked. I can get onto the homepage (www.sunbingo.co.uk) but as soon as I try to play bingo or slots it gets blocked. I’ve also noticed that as soon as this happens the http in the address bar gets crossed out. I’ve looked to see what this means and got this:

“The site uses SSL, but Google Chrome has detected either high-risk insecure content on the page or problems with the site’s certificate. Don’t enter sensitive information on this page. Invalid certificate or other serious https issues could indicate that someone is attempting to tamper with your connection to the site”

Does this mean my laptop is infected?? Sorry, I’m a complete novice at all this!!

I don’t use Chrome, so can’t comment on its security settings. Firefox has security setting if an https site certificate is out of date, etc. but you haven’t given us much to work with only speculate and that isn’t good.

You mention SSL that would require the site connect using https and logging in, since I haven’t an account, I can’t check further, https://www.sunbingo.co.uk/login but I can access both the login page and the slots page.


I am also having the same problem with the same site ‘Sun Bingo’. I can access the home page and the lobby but as soon as I try to open up a game Avast blocks it. I have been using the site fine for the past 2 months previous.

If you manage to sort this out please let me know what you did.


You say avast blocks it, but avast isn’t a firewall, so doesn’t block but scans and alerts to any detected infection, which isn’t the case or it would have been mentioned. What errors are you getting ?

Now if there is some apparent blocking, there is something else in the mix, conflict perhaps with another security application and probably a firewall.

What is your firewall ?

Hi there!

I’m having the same issue. I’ve taken a screenshot of the alert and this is it here:


Any assistance in sorting this would be greatly appreciated so I can resume my bingo playing :smiley:

OK, thanks for the image, the game/| bit in the URL indicates that there is more to that URL (concatenated) are you able to give the full URL, change the http or www to hXXP or wXw to break the link ?

The problem as I see it is if this is inside the login area (?) I can’t check anything out without being registered, that is a step too far for me as an avast user.


That’s the only way I can get the blocked URL to come up, it’s not clickable on the alert box - hope that’s enough? :slight_smile:

It is an issue that occurs after you’ve logged in as if to play bingo/slots etc sadly. I do appreciate you trying to help though :slight_smile:

You can actually attach images to your Replies using the Additional Options link.

When you get an alert you can use the avastUI, Real-Time Shields, Web Shield, to see the last alert. using the shield log button.

You can try the - Contact avast http://www.avast.com/contact-form.php?loadStyles form if you report it as a web site false positive (slight cheat perhaps) they may be able to check it out further.

Thank you for that, I’ll report it using that link and see if they can fathom it out :slight_smile:

I suppose the plus side is that it’s saving me some money in the meantime!

You’re welcome.