CGI:IRC web based irc client and avast! web shield

Hi all,

I have been experimenting with some (web-) irc clients lately and found out that on my 2 windows xp installs the cgi:irc does not work as expected when avast! web shield is on. Avast! v4.7.1098.

On the homepage of CGI:IRC ( you can find a demo

If you leave the web shield enabled, the demo does not work as it should (very long delay, and only receiving text sometimes). However, if you disable (PAUSE the webshield or stop-on-access protection) you notice that it works very well.

Please note, you will only see a change if you re-open the demo page, I think it has something to do with the stream already being setup…

Can this be verified and, hopefully, resolved?



Can anyone confirm this? Maybe someone from avast! team?
