Check expiry date of license

Hi All

Just updated to 4.4 all seems OK, but how do I check the expiry date of the installed license, tried avast -l but am getting this:

2023-11-03 09:49:29.427906+0000 [ 9255: 2427] NOTICE main: Starting Avast 4.4.0
2023-11-03 09:49:29.428274+0000 [ 9255: 2427] ERROR pidfile: Another instance is already running; /run/avast/ is locked
2023-11-03 09:49:29.428319+0000 [ 9255: 2427] ERROR main: Fatal error. Exiting.

Hi, this command doesn’t tell you anything about the license, it’s just a check (exit code 0 = license valid). It’s not supposed to be blocked by another avast process, that is a bug. Thanks for reporting.

To find out the expiration date, look into the license file itself:

grep UpdateValidThru -B1 /etc/avast/license.avastlic