There is an internet site AVAST, on which one can test a password, to know its strength.
I can not find the address of that website.
As far as I know there is no such page on the avast website.
There may have been one some time ago, but I can’t recall that function being there for some considerable time.
I vaguely remember one such function that did that, when entering a new password as you progressed through it the progress bar reported how strong it was.
But in all honesty you don’t need this if you follow general advice the password shouldn’t be a ‘word/name’ a mix of Upper and Lower case letters, numbers and throw in some special characters for good measure (some sites don’t allow all special characters (# _ ~ are generally accepted). The password should ideally be greater than 12 characters.
Trying to get that kind of mix makes it difficult for the user to think of one and difficult to remember. There are some password applications out there to manage your passwords (both creation and saving them) that will log you in.
This link exists, I have used it March 25, 2016 …
Thank you.
If you have used it is it not in your browser history (?) as I can’t recall any specific link to test password strength.
I believe that if you wish to change your password in the my.avast.com account it checks the strength of the password entered.
I deleted the navigation data in my history.
This tool given the time required to crack the password in minutes; hours; day or years, depending on its strength.
I would find perhaps one day !!!
OK, thank you very much for your answers.