After update to Chrome 33 now it asks to disable avast! EasyPass because it uses Developer mode ??? It gives only two options - to disable add-in or to cancel this message, but it re-appears every time I launch Chrome and it gets really annoying
Same here and it is very annoying. I love chrome and I love easypass. I paid for easypass, chrome is free. So if they make me disable, I will say goodbye chrome.
Google Chrome is actually asking that we email developers whose extensions are affected, and direct them to their blog post on this : – hopefully this is good enough: “Protecting Windows Users from Malicious Extensions”.
Interesting I visited this page using firefox and my WorldIP add-on flagged it as DNS Spoofing.
I’ve been having the same issue for a few days. I suspect Avast needs to make a change in the software, as I doubt Google plans to change Chrome!
Can we get a fix, Avast?
You may want to report that as a false positive.
I am having the same problem! Is there a fix Avast? >:(
At this point, I’ve tried to uninstall Chrome (as I saw on the Chrome message boards), installed an earlier version of EasyPass, and I still get the disable developer mode extensions message. I’m stumped…
You would need to install an earlier version of Chrome, and pin it so that it does not update automatically. Otherwise, soon after you install it, it’s going to update itself to the version that wants to disable EasyPass.
Well, it is not a solution, but you may consider to use other browser for a while until fix will be ready… ???
Any fix for this??? It’s so annoying… >:(
Yes. It’d be nice to be given some indication that avast is aware of the issue and whether they are going to deal with it.
I am sure they are informed about this… ???
For those who come across this thread, I put in a service request to Avast. Here is the response received today:
“this message is shown in Google Chrome for all Google Chrome extensions which were not installed directly from Google Web store for extensions. It is a new feature released in the latest update for Google Chrome. We are now working on a new version of avast! EasyPass program and avast! EasyPass toolbar extension which should be available in the store where it now has to be in order to work normally.”
I hope they advise us when this is available…
Also, tbh, it’s a nightmare in Chrome. As Chrome has done away from ‘toolbars’, the ‘stub’ for EP is a pop-up, which, if you Generate Password it doesn’t stay open, as soon as you move the mouse to it (yes, the window doesn’t even appear below the button!)…
Thanks for letting us know, jimbiram!
Any word on a fix?
What he said. This is getting extremely annoying.
I’ve still got this problem - very annoying, please fix this soon