Cleanup Premium a pagamento non funziona, ecco cosa dice:
Mmm. qualcosa è andato storto potrebbe essere solo un problema temporaneo.Aspetta un attimo e riprova a usare Cleanup.
Ho riprovato mole volte dice sempre la stessa cosa, come risolvere il problema?
grazie per la risposta.
New Avast Antivirus March version is here (17.3.2290). This version doesn’t introduce any new features, rather fixes some of the most critical issues that appeared on the previous version.
What’s fixed:
Firewall: Fixed internet connectivity not working after update (until restart) on Win XP, Vista and 7 - should now always work immediately
Wifi Inspector: Fixed incorrectly displayed vulnerabilities - vulnerability info is now correct
Web Shield: Fixed SSL scanning issue on some sites - sites now load correctly
Issues with login to roaming profile after update
Passwords: Fixed issues with self-authorization and import from Easy Pass
Issue with installation on Braswell CPUs
Network problems after update on Vista
Issue with playing HTML5 videos in SafeZone browser
Improved compatibility with Windows 10 Creators Update
Issue with disabling components, which require restart - Problems with never-ending Cleanup optimization