Is there a recommended way to clear all the information out of the computer catalog and start from a blank catalog?
We have switched naming conventions and retired a lot of PCs since we started and I’d like to have a fresh and current view of everything to see if there’s something we missed as well as dropping all the PCs that are no longer connected to our network.
You can’t delete the computer catalog, but you can delete all the domains/groups from underneath. Once you do that and delete the PCs from the catalog itself, when you run the discovery tasks it looks like it’s working, but the Catalog stays empty until you log out and then back in again.
Once you log out and back in, all the PCs are under the main catalog, you have to manually move them to their own groups even though the task says it put them in the correct spot.
Anyway, it doesn’t seem to matter if I run the discovery task using the NT or Active Directory options, the retired PCs still show up on the list. One of them is sitting on the floor next to me with no power and no network, but it still showed up on the scan (with no ip address at least).
ADNM Build: Sep2009(4.8.995)
So, what’s the best way to get a current list of PC’s on the network without pulling in old information?