Hi, I try to setup detail policy from the admin consol of Avast business protection, but I am only able to start or stop AV shields, but I don’t find how to access shield detail settings like I can see on each single client.
Any body knows how to manage this matter ?
you can set the policy group in two different place:
- in the console go to NETWORK->GROUP VIEW->select your group and click on EDIT GROUP SETTINGS
Here you can turn on/off the shield and set up the general settings for avast user
2)in that mask there’s the EXPERT SETTINGS buttons, here you can set up more and I think you can find what you need…
What settings are you searching for?
Good morning and thank you for your response. But it is not what I am looking for. I would like to ventrally manage the settings we can do locally on each managed client. For example in the top left of the avast client windows there is “Option” (in spanish i don’t know how it is translated in english) then if you click on it there is a pop up windows where you can set up Popups times, Virus alert emailing to send a message by email to manager when a virus is detected, exclusion, languages etc…) and there is the same kind of settings for each shield. I can modifiy this settings manually on each client (I have tested it for example for emailling alerte in case of virus detection) But setting are note permanent and are back to original state after a short period of time. I suppose that client takes setting fromm the admin console. So I wouldn like to modify these setting from the console and they will be push to all the managed client on my local network.
I hope you could help me.
Ok, if you want to manage in different mode each client, I think you must create a new group for each different settings you need.
Yes the client takes the settings from the console than if you set an option in the client, the option will be overwrite by settings in the console.
1)In the EXPERT SETTINGS you can find the value to correct for example the popup duration
avastcfg://avast5/common/PopupDurationXXXX and edit the value in seconds.
2)The exclusion you can find in the main page
and click EXCLUSION
3)For e-mail alert you must insert the value in EXPERT SETTINGS
How can i get email alerts back? http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=82263.0 This comes from VLKavastcfg://avast5/Common/NetAlert SMTP:yourname@domain.com
avastcfg://avast5/Communication/SMTPFrom from_address@domain.com
avastcfg://avast5/Communication/SMTPPort 25
avastcfg://avast5/Communication/SMTPServer yoursmtpserver.domain.com
4)What language you need?
You can find also that configuration under EXPERT SETTINGS
avastcfg://avast5/Languages/Engine and edit this value
(you can find the value in this list http://www.science.co.il/language/locale-codes.asp
and check LCID Decimal value)
Hoping this can help…
Good morning,
Many thanks for your response, but I don’t want to create different policy for each client. The example I gave you, regarding language, email alert etc… are just EXAMPLE to make you identify the windows/option I can access in client and I am looking for in console. What I am looking for in the admin concole is the same windows that I can see in the clients. I don’t want to use the expert mode in the console.
I hope you can help.
I’ve understand that you need it but unfortunately this is the only mode you’ve to set the options you’re searching for.
I’m sorry…