Cloudflare abuse - website has code to be blocked!

Five times flagged and blacklisted here:
Website x-powered-by: ASP.NET, PHP/5.2.17: running on yunjiasu-nginx
1 fail and 2 errors here:
Adblockers and MBAQM will block this malicious script site: -
External scripts running from see:
Has jQuery library to retire: -
Detected libraries:
jquery - 1.7.2 : (active1) -
Info: Severity: medium
(active) - the library was also found to be active by running code
1 vulnerable library detected
And has the following insecurity:- 连云港华能电力_信誉评估报告「安全联盟」 padlock icon
Alerts (1)
Insecure login (1)
Password will be transmited in clear to =
Infos (1)
Encryption (HTTPS) (1)
Communication is NOT encrypted

DrWeb missed detection. Reported for PHISHtank by Hayashi:
Offline. 3349543. -… added on Jul 26th 2015 4:34 AM. by cleanmx. INVALID.

polonus (volunteer website security analyst and website error-hunter)

CloudFlare is way too easy to be abused and gone around :slight_smile:

Hi Steven Winderlich,

You are right, it is a kind of “half-baked” security, and that does not “taste” right.
It gives you two things you do not want - either security issues or performance issues. ;D

For the site I mentioned earlier in this thread another 25 potentially suspicious files were flagged by Quttera’s → Severity: Potentially Suspicious
Reason: Detected hidden potentially suspicious instructions
Details: Detected hidden CSS declaration

Could be abused as an attack code

[[<style type=text/css> .bsous{position:absolute; left:-2600px; top:-2200px;} </style>]]

→ htXp:// vulnerable considering:
JQuery Form Plugin - Results from scanning URL: -
Number of sources found: 13
Number of sinks found: 6
