CNET User Opinions - 95% Give Avast Thumbs Up

Yep, I am aware of this Vlk, but from my own experience albeit two years ago. I nearly gave up at the first hurdle when I couldn’t get my email to work. Luckly for me I did have enough knowledge to get my email working and was able to contact Pavel who kindly sorted me out. Now I reason that not all Users will be able to do this so straight away that is one contact avenue closed off.

I also reason that most of us Users work, therefore when we try Avast for the first time it is at home, at a time when I expect your office is empty (European). The support on the forum is available 7/24 and is second to none with its helpful advice.

I appreiciate that you are a professional company, and that is why I only suggested doing this for the Home Edition. The Avast forum is a great asset to your Company, and there are a lot of home users like me who can confirm this. It may only be second level support, but the advice given is usually first class. I believe that this is confirmed when you look at the number of times a post is read, and you soon realise how popular the Forum is with the Users. (they can’t all be wrong!)

Finally, I still think this is a good idea, I wish I had known about the Forum from the begining.


Just added my comments on Cnet…and a link to this forum. Hope they publish it. :wink:

I’ve always wondered, how many people does the Avast! team consist of?

I've always wondered, how many people does the Avast! team consist of?

Our team is about 20 people; about 85% which are in R&D (development of the program or virus analysis)

Avast is truly getting a large following. Six months ago, I never really saw it mentioned much in other forums I attend. Now it is being listed all the time as the “best” free AV out there. I often comment that it is not only the best free, but best period. Dadkins and I are always pushing it over in the security forum at BBR.

How many people do I have to convert over before I get a free pro License? ;D


:frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
sad news Vlk :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

Wait, does this mean the phone support will change, or both the phone support and the user forum?


I think I put it clearly… :stuck_out_tongue:

But, still no one can be ungrateful and say that’s not fair from Alwil. Just try to think how many e-mails they have to answer, phone calls… unbelievable !

It’s more than enough if they gives us forum support only in the future ( I mean if they decide to cancel phone support for Home Edition). It’s really more than enough and no one should complain ask for more. They just need to visit these great forums once in a while, search our database, ask some help from forum members, moderators or Alwil team members… everyone can find something for him/her…

Cheers !

It’s odd that you have so few and yet you can still produce an anti virus that beats Norton, which has like 1000% more people.

It's odd that you have so few and yet you can still produce an anti virus that beats Norton, which has like 1000% more people.

You’d be actually surprised how small their R&D department is… Same with McAfee.

I’d say at least 95% of their staff are sales/marketing/administration people… :slight_smile:

I see. Makes sense atleast. Thanks for answering my questions!

Well,I just went to C/net and put in my two cents worth.

Yeah you did, and I understood it right the first time. Guess I was being paranoid and reading between the lines. Just want to make sure, because I always add the link to this forum in the favorites list of the friends and famlies PC’s that I install Avast on.


Do they have a programmer? ;D

Ha! Good one! :wink:


LOL Technical … that is a very good question! :wink: ;D

By the way, last night, I added my help on a cnet forum for W98 users (like me - W98SE) for a person who was having trouble with Norton AV. I gave instructions on getting rid of Norton before adding any other AV. What a pain in the …errr… butt that is! :frowning:

Anyway, one of the moderators had suggested that AVG would be a good free AV that was better than Norton. So, after my instructions, I added that the person should try avast!4 Home after all the trouble of getting rid of Norton. I mentioned this great forum with support from users as well as avast personel. I mentioned the frequent VDB updates that are quick and easy as well as other great features of avast! I included a link to the avast! homepage, too.

Hopefully, that person will give avast! a try next! :slight_smile: