College question

Ive been looking at computer related college courses along with my girlfriend and came across 2 that the college offers that sound really good to me the first is
Computer secuirty and forensics and the second one is IT
wich one do you guys prefer/suggest?
odd question to be asking right now because im sitting in class right now =]

i would prefer Computer Security and Forensic! :slight_smile:

I would say you should look at what work would be available to you with the benefit of the course (though you would probably have to do more).

Computer security would I’m sure produce some very interesting work that would be continually changing.

Computer forensics, always make me think of those who are rummaging through computers for deleted c-h-i-l-d p-o-r-n for the evidence to be used in court and that isn’t a prospect that I could see me doing. Though, I guess there is also the fraud side of computer forensics.

Whatever you choose you have to look at what kind of work it is likely to and would you be happy in that field of computing.

Sorry not to go for one (though both would be an option as suggested) as without any idea of the course syllabus it is hard to say.

Oh Thanks DavidR and the guy before (forgot the name sorry) I have a 17 page PDF that comes with the course syllabus but thats on my laptop ill try and post it when I get home, Not the whole pdf just the page with the syllabus to both classes, Thanks

Your welcome, I would also see if you have a careers master/tutor and see what he has got in the way of jobs or speak to the IT people at the college and see what they think.